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Be Present: 42 Seconds Sermon Notes 2 of 4

42 Week 2Editor’s Note: This resource supports preachers and congregations in the use of the book 42 Seconds: The Jesus Model for Everyday Interactions by Carl Medearis. You can visit the 42 Seconds Resource page at justinrossow.com to see more. 

The Big Idea

Paying real attention to real people leads us to be vulnerable enough to enter into genuine relationship. Because Jesus is enough, we can say, “I am enough,” and engage others authentically.

The Goal

That the hearers pay real attention to Jesus and the person in front of them in order to enter into a moment of authentic relationship.

The Big Problem

Our priorities and agenda are more important to us than other people are. Authentic relationship takes time and especially vulnerability, and we don’t want to be vulnerable.

The Big Promise

Jesus truly present with us and for us enables us to be truly present for others. Jesus is enough to meet our need to feel valuable. Jesus with us means he is listening to others through us.

Quotable Quotes

“Real conversations involve really listening, to the person and to the Holy Spirit” (63).

“So my new strategy, aligned a bit more with Jesus, is to exhibit patient listening in real-life conversations that go wherever the person and God want them to go” (65).

Readings for Worship

Genesis 16: 7-14   Hagar: “You are the God who sees me.”

2 Corinthians 5:14-21  “As if God were making his appeal through us …”

Mark 10: 17-31 The Rich Young Man

Sermon: Multiple Story Structure

Brené Brown is mentioned in this section of the book and finds her way into this week’s sermon. She identifies as a Researcher and Storyteller. Her webpage even says, “Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do.” Working with a narrative text in Mark 10, a section of a book written by the storyteller Carl, who cites the Researcher and Storyteller Brené Brown, it seems like a Multiple Story Structure would align with the sermon to the vibe of the “Be Present” section.

For a synopsis of the structure, see https://concordiatheology.org/sermon-structs/textual/genre/narrative/multiple-story-structure/.

Sermon overview

  1. Jesus being truly present to the rich young man in Mark 10
  2. Brené Brown’s story about vulnerability
  3. Jesus present in your attention for others, as if God were making his appeal through us.

Prayer for the Week

Jesus, when you look at me, you truly see me. You see my failures;
you see my sin; you see my shame.

And yet, when you see me, your heart goes out to me.
With all my baggage, you still think I am worthy of love and belonging.

Thank you, Lord. Thank you for forgiveness and undeserved love.
Thank you for a new identity as your chosen follower.
Thank you for your ongoing presence in my life.

I relinquish control of my faith journey to you again today:
Jesus, take the initiative and make me receptive to following wherever you lead.

Today I will live in confidence that I am worthy of love and belonging in your eyes. Amen.

The Sermon

The full manuscript will be available soon, or you can watch the sermon, below.

About Justin Rossow

Justin writes and talks at the intersection of Scripture, culture, and metaphor theory. As founder of Next Step Press, he helps people delight in taking a next step following Jesus.

One comment on “Be Present: 42 Seconds Sermon Notes 2 of 4

  1. […] The sermon notes for this manuscript are available here. […]

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